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副教授 硕士生导师


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1. 来小彬,梁燕*.生命末期中国家庭照顾体验理论模型的初步探索:Meta人种学研究[J].护理学杂志,2023381):97-103.

2. 王安妮,柏晓玲,梁燕*. 居家失能老人长期护理服务需求的人力成本及影响因素研究[J].护士进修杂志,2023386):481-485.

3. 梁燕,韩君,王君俏*.上海市社区老年人日间照护服务需求及支付意愿研究[J].护士进修杂志,20203516):1448-1451.

4. 梁燕,许佳敏,王君俏.临床导师榜样角色对护理本科生专业认同的作用分析[J].中华护理教育,2020,172):108-112.

5. 傅应凡,梁燕*.使用网络的老年人对电子心理健康服务的接受度现状调查[J].老年医学与保健,2020265):47-50.

6. 梁燕,梁鸿*.可穿戴传感器在老年人功能评估中的应用及研究进展[J].护理研究,2020,346):1042-1045

7. 梁燕,梁鸿,王君俏等.构建和完善上海社区健康服务体系[J].科学发展,20201091-99.

8. 梁燕,包江波*,程云.基于互联网开展老年护理服务的研究述评[J].老龄科学研究,2019,711):52-59.

9. 葛丽萍,梁燕*,. 上海市社区老年人健康教育课程设置及效果评价[J].护士进修杂志,20193410):895-897.

10. Fang S, Liang H, Liang Y*. Relationship between person, environmental factors, and activities of daily living performance among physically disabled older adults living at home: a structural equation model[J]. BMC GERIATRICS 2023, DOI: 10.1186/s12877-023-04000-2.

11. Huang J, Jiang Z, Gu J, Yang Y, Yan Y, Gu X, Bai Y, Liang Y*. An exploration on COVID-19 vaccination motivation patterns from the perspective of the Chaxu culture in metropolis of China: A multi-center study[J]. Fronters in Public Health, 2022, 10:1065043. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1065043

12. Liang Y†, Yang Y†, Yang T, Li M, Ruan Y, Jiang Y, Huang Y*, & Wang Y*. Effects of cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms on health-related quality of life in community-dwelling older adults: The mediating role of disability in the activities of daily living and the instrumental activities of daily living[J]. Health & Social Care in the Community, 2022, 1–15.

13. He X,Li D, Wang W, Liang H,Liang Y*. Identifying patterns of clinical conditions among high-cost older adult health care users using claims data: a latent class approach[J]. International Journal for Equity in Health, 2022,21(86): 1-9.

14. Shu R†, Liu C†, Liang H, Liang Y*. Potential mediators of the relationship between vision impairment and self-rated health in older adults: a comparison between long-term care insurance claimants in residential care institutions versus those living in the community[J]. Geriatric Nursing, 2022, 44: 259-265.

15. He X, Jiang P, Wu Q, Lai X*, Liang Y*. Governmental Inter-sectoral Strategies to Prevent and Control COVID-19 in a Megacity: A Policy Brief From Shanghai, China[J]. Frontiers in Public Health, 2022, 10: 764847.

16. Liu C†, Shu R†, Liang H, Liang Y*. Multimorbidity Patterns and the Disablement Process among Public Long-term Care Insurance Claimants in the City of Yiwu (Zhejiang Province, China) [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health2022, 19, 645.

17. Liang Y†, Li X†, Yang T, Li M, Ruan Y, Yang Y, Huang Y, Jiang Y *, Wang Y*. Patterns of physical activity and their relationship with depression among community-dwelling older adults in Shanghai, China: A latent class approach[J]. BMC GERIATRICS 2021,DOI: 10.1186/s12877-021-02537-8 

18. Liang Y, Xu H, Chen F, Liang H*, Wu B*. Which wound cuts deeper: loss of an only child or loss of a spouse? An examination of bereavement in older adults within a Chinese cultural context[J]. AGING & MENTAL HEALTH2021, DOI:10.1080/13607863.2021.1913473.

19. Liang Y, Li J, Pan W*. Family satisfaction in the intensive care unit: The influence of disease severity, care relationship, patient anxiety and patient pain[J]. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing2020, 63(102995).

20. Liang Y, Liang H*, Corazzini KN. Predictors and patterns of home health care utilization among older adults in Shanghai, China[J]. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 2019,38:1, 29-42.