点击:7862次 发布/更新时间: 2023-03-21
副教授 硕士生导师,博士
联系方式:办公室电话(021)6443 0093
现任复旦大学护理学院副教授,复旦大学循证护理中心核心研究员、WHO指南构建专家库成员、JBI Global Collaboration Fellow、国际艾滋病协会IAS成员、上海市临床流行病学和循证医学分会青年委员、Cochrane China Network成员、《JBI Evidence Synthesis》杂志的Associated Editor、《护士进修杂志》编委、《中国艾滋病性病》青年编委,多本高水平英文期刊的审稿人。
1. Wu B, Zhu Z. Multiple approaches to advance health equity in nursing science: recruitment, data, and dissemination[J]. Nursing Outlook. 2025.
2. Zhu Z, Yang Z, Qi X, Mao W, Pei Y, Wu B. Association between oral hygiene behaviours and cognitive decline in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024.
3. Yu J, Yang Z, He J, Zhu Z, Lu H. Assessing symptom networks of depressive symptoms in older adults: a cross-national population-based study[J]. Innovation in Aging. 2023;7(Suppl 1):752–3.
4. Yang Z, Yu J, Hu T, Zhu Z. Identifying bridge symptoms among depressive symptoms in chinese older adults: the role of eating culture[J]. Innovation in Aging. 2023;7(Suppl 1):1059.
5. Zhu Z, Zwerling JL, Qi X, Pei Y, Zheng Y, Wu B. Mechanisms of change in cognitive function domains among older adults in cognitive deterioration and improvement groups: evidence from phenotypic network structure[J]. Journal of the American Aedical Directors Association. 2023;24(12):2009-2016.e9.
6. Zhu Z, Qi X, Zheng Y, Pei Y, Wu B. Age differences in the effects of multi-component periodontal treatments on oral and metabolic health among people with diabetes mellitus: A meta-epidemiological study[J]. Journal of Dentistry. 2023;135:104594.
7. Yu J, Yang Z, He J, Zhu Z, Lu H. Network analysis of physical symptoms of older adults with Covid-19[J]. Innovation in Aging. 2023;7(Suppl 1): 698-698.
8. Zhu Z, Hu H, Wu B, Hu Y. Editorial: Mapping symptom networks among co-occurrence of psychological and somatic symptoms[J]. Frontiers in Public Health. 2023;11:1210151.
9. Zhu Z, Sun Y, Kuang Y, Yuan X, Gu H, Zhu J, Xing W. Contemporaneous symptom networks of multidimensional symptom experiences in cancer survivors: A network analysis[J]. Cancer Medicine. 2023;12(1):663-673.
10. Zhu Z, Qi X, Pei Y, Wang J, Wu B. Longitudinal relationships in the psychopathology of depressive symptoms in middle-aged and older adults in China[J]. Aging & Mental Health. 2023:1-10.