Conference announcement
2017 Fudan University Evidence-based Nursing Forum
1st JBI Asia Region EBHC Symposium
“Achieving Excellence of Nursing through Evidence-based Practice”
In celebrating 90th Anniversary of Shanghai Medical College in Fudan University, School of Nursing Fudan University and Fudan University Centre of Evidence-based Nursing: a JBI Center of Excellence will host “2017 Fudan University Evidence-based Nursing Forum” from October 27-28 2017. As one of JBI Centres of Evidence-based Nursing, we are also pleased to take this opportunity to organize this Forum in conjunction with “1st JBI Asia Region EBHC Symposium”. The theme of this Forum is “Achieving Excellence of Nursing through Evidence-based Practice”. We warmly welcome our alumnus from all over the world, JBI Asia Region Centre members, and clinicians and scholars who are interested in EBHC gathering in Shanghai and share your perspectives and experience on evidence-based nursing.
This Forum is co-organized by JBI Centers in Peking University and Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, and supported by Evidence-based Nursing Group Committee of Shanghai Nursing Association.
1. Theme: Achieving Excellence of Nursing through Evidence-based Practice
2. Sub-themes: Evidence synthesis, evidence transfer, evidence implementation
3. Date: October 27-28, 2017
4. Venue: Shanghai Pine City Hotel
5. Calling for abstracts
The Forum will set keynote speech, panel discussion, concurrent session, and poster. We call for the following abstracts:
(1) Theories and models development in evidence-based practice, methodology study, and EBP tool development.
(2) Evidence synthesis: synthesis in the areas of critical care, chronic illness management, aged care, cancer nursing, maternal and child healthcare, nursing management, and nursing education.
(3) Evidence transfer: guidelines development, evidence transmission, studies on EBNP training.
(4) Evidence implementation: how to put evidence into nursing practice and evaluate the outcome.
Please send your 300~500 words abstract to Forum Secretary Ms RUAN Hui ( by July 10th 2017. The Forum academic committee will review the abstract and inform you the result by July 20th 2017.
6. Registration
Registration form should be send to Forum Secretary Ms RUAN Hui ( by July 20th 2017. Registration Fee: 200 U$
For those who have registered, the payment of registration fee can be proceeded at the first day of the Forum.
7. Accommodation
Shanghai Pine City Hotel:
4-star hotel, located in the central area of Shanghai city.
Address: No. 8 Dongan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai
Cost: 650 RMB/Room (with breakfast, free wifi)
6. Contact information
Conference secretary: Ms RUAN Hui